8. Database | Unlock Your AL ICT Knowledge with an Interactive MCQ Quiz!

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Are you ready to test your knowledge and enhance your understanding of Advanced Level Information and Communication Technology (AL ICT)? We present to you an engaging Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) quiz that covers fundamental concepts in databases and normalization. This quiz is designed to challenge your grasp of data management, database models, SQL, and normalization principles.


8. Database | AL ICT MCQ Quiz

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Welcome to an exciting journey into the world of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Today, we're not just in a classroom; we're on the digital frontier, exploring the realms of technology that shape our modern world. As we embark on this adventure, we invite you to participate in our interactive ICT quiz.

1 / 20

What is the role of DDL in SQL?

2 / 20

Which concept defines the logical structure of a database?

3 / 20

Which of the following is an outcome of achieving the second normal form?

4 / 20

In the context of normalization, what does the second normal form address?

5 / 20

Which of the following is an example of unstructured data?

6 / 20

What is the purpose of a primary key in a database table?

7 / 20

What is a candidate key in a relational database?

8 / 20

What is the function of SQL in a database environment?

9 / 20

Which database model is based on tables with rows and columns?

10 / 20

How are ER diagrams transformed into a logical schema?

11 / 20

What is the primary distinction between data and information?

12 / 20

Which concept describes abnormalities in a table during insert, update, and delete operations?

13 / 20

Which SQL command is used to create a table?

14 / 20

What are the conditions for executing the second normal form?

15 / 20

What is the purpose of a relational database?

16 / 20

What do functional dependencies describe in a database?

17 / 20

What is the purpose of normalization in database design?

18 / 20

Which component of a relational database defines the structure of the data?

19 / 20

What does an ER diagram represent in database design?

20 / 20

What is reduced after achieving the first normal form in database normalization?

Your score is


Why Participate in the AL ICT MCQ Quiz?

As a student aspiring to excel in AL ICT, it’s crucial to have a solid foundation in database concepts. Databases are the backbone of information systems, and understanding them is key to developing effective solutions. Our MCQ quiz is crafted to help you reinforce your understanding of crucial concepts in a fun and interactive way.

How to Participate:

  1. Access the Quiz: Navigate to the quiz platform using the provided link.
  2. Answer 20 Thought-Provoking Questions: Test your knowledge with a set of 20 questions covering data vs. information, database models, SQL commands, normalization, and more.
  3. Receive Instant Feedback: Know immediately how well you performed. Understand the correct answers and learn from any mistakes.
  4. Challenge Your Peers: Share your results on social media and challenge your classmates to see who knows their AL ICT concepts the best.

Why Focus on Databases and Normalization?

Databases are a cornerstone of information systems, and a strong understanding of their design and management is essential for any ICT professional. The quiz delves into key areas such as structured vs. unstructured data, relational database models, SQL commands, normalization, and more. By participating, you’ll gain confidence in these critical aspects of ICT.

Who Should Participate?

  • AL ICT students seeking to reinforce their understanding of databases.
  • Is anyone interested in testing their knowledge of database management?
  • Those preparing for exams and wanting a quick self-assessment tool.


Ready to embark on a journey of knowledge? Join us in the AL ICT MCQ Quiz to explore and reinforce your understanding of databases and normalization. Sharpen your skills, gain confidence, and have fun in the process!

Start the quiz here and unlock the doors to a deeper understanding of AL ICT!

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About Ruwan Suraweera 147 Articles
Pilana Vidyarthodaya M. V. ICT Teacher

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