Fundamentals of HTML Coding Quiz | HTML MCQ

62 / 100

Welcome to the “Fundamentals of HTML Coding Quiz”! This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of basic HTML coding concepts. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn or a seasoned coder brushing up on the fundamentals, this quiz will challenge and enhance your understanding of HTML.


Understanding HTML Basics - A Quiz to Test Your Knowledge

introduction to HTML Code Editor
Welcome to an exciting journey into the world of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Today, we're not just in a classroom; we're on the digital frontier, exploring the realms of technology that shape our modern world. As we embark on this adventure, we invite you to participate in our interactive ICT quiz.

1 / 10

In HTML, which tag is used to create a line break?

2 / 10

What is the correct order of the basic structure of an HTML document?

3 / 10

What is the primary distinction between hypertext and normal text?

4 / 10

What is the purpose of the HTML img tag?

5 / 10

Which HTML element is used to define the structure of an HTML document?

6 / 10

How can text be formatted and colored in HTML?

7 / 10

What does the HTML "a" tag represent?

8 / 10

Which HTML tag is used to create an unordered list?

9 / 10

What is the purpose of the HTML head tag?

10 / 10

What does the HTML table tag define?

Your score is


Quiz Details:

  • Number of Questions: 10 Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • Time Limit: You will have a limited time to complete the quiz.
  • Instructions: Choose the correct option for each question by selecting the corresponding number (1, 2, 3, or 4).

Participation Message to Students:

Dear Students,

We invite you to participate in our “Fundamentals of HTML Coding Quiz.” This is a fantastic opportunity to gauge your grasp of essential HTML concepts and improve your coding skills. Whether you’re just starting your journey in web development or seeking to reinforce your existing knowledge, this quiz is designed to cater to all levels.

Why Participate?

  • Test Your Knowledge: Evaluate your understanding of HTML basics.
  • Learn and Improve: Discover areas where you can enhance your knowledge.
  • Challenge Yourself: See how well you can perform under time constraints.


  • You’ll find 10 multiple-choice questions in this quiz.
  • Each question is followed by four options, numbered from 1 to 4.
  • Select the number corresponding to the answer you believe is correct.
  • You’ll have a limited time to complete the quiz, so keep an eye on the timer.

Get Started:

  • Click the “Start Quiz” button to begin.
  • Answer each question to the best of your ability.
  • Once you’ve completed the quiz, you’ll receive your score and see how well you did.

Remember, the more you challenge yourself, the more you learn. Good luck, and let’s get started on the journey to mastering HTML!

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About Ruwan Suraweera 138 Articles
Pilana Vidyarthodaya M. V. ICT Teacher

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